Welcome to Bibleo!

We are pleased that you have come to the BIBLEO website and would like to give you some information here so that you know who we are and why we have provided BIBLEO. You will also find some tips on how best to use BIBLEO.

Who are we?

We are Christians who live in Germany and want to lead an active life of faith and discipleship for Jesus Christ, our Savior.

We do not want to make a “profession of faith” here, because for us the whole Bible is the guideline and direction of our lives. By “being a Christian” we do not mean belonging to any church or organization, but knowing Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as our Lord and Saviour. It also means that we fully recognize the Bible as God's inspired Word and that it should therefore be the basis for our lives and decisions.

This is also what we want to convey through the BIBLEO website.

So that you know who provides the website and Bible courses, or - if the course is supervised - corrects your submissions, some of us would like to introduce ourselves here. Click on a picture to read the personal introduction of the respective employee.

Johannes Kogut
Andreas Hardt
Eva Bernhardt
Joachim Schümann
Victoria Bamberger

We are very grateful for the help and support of employees from other countries who are not mentioned here. They support the creation, translation and supervision of the courses, which enables us to offer the courses for other countries and in other languages.

We wish you a blessed time with God's Word and BIBLEO!

The BIBLEO team.

Bibleo boxes

Why does BIBLEO exist?

As briefly mentioned above, our aim is to get to know the will of God for our lives and the statements of the Bible and to live according to them. This also leads us to share the joy of God's Word with other Christians and those who are curious about faith in Christ through BIBLEO.

One path to understanding the Bible is opened up through courses on biblical topics and Bible books, through which one can gradually approach the extensive and exciting areas of the Bible.

Self-study in Bible courses allows you to choose the place and time available, while receiving support and guidance. Of course, it is also possible to work through courses in pairs or in a group, which usually leads to a good exchange and further clarification.

The Bible itself should always be present, as it is the key to the blessing of the course work.

Offering the courses on BIBLEO via the Internet makes it possible to make the Bible teachings available in different countries and languages. Therefore, in addition to expanding the range of courses on offer, we intend to continuously expand language coverage and set up country contacts for support. Where this is not yet available, BIBLEO always offers the option of self-study with automated answer checking combined with a “sample answer”.

Do you have any more questions?

In our help section, we answer your most important questions.

Or send us a message using the contact form.

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